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Monday, January 21, 2019

TRENDING 2019 Elections


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Sunday released yet another letter on the state of the nation. KBTGIST got a copy of the letter and in this piece, breaks it down into bits, easily digestible.
Here are the top 10 points made in that letter.
1. “The transmission and collation of results are subject to interference, manipulation and meddling. If the INEC’s favourite political party wins with all the above infractions, the result will be conclusively declared and if not, there will be a ‘rerun’.”
2. “The track record of the present INEC is fairly sordid and all men and women of goodwill and believers in democracy must be prepared for the worst from INEC and their encouragers…”
3. “Amina Zakari has become too controversial a figure to be able to give assurance of free, fair and credible election for INEC.”
4. “Madam Amina Zakari should, in honour, stay out and not be seen as a source of contamination of the election.”
5. “It is no use, at this juncture, to keep lamenting about the failure, incompetence, divisiveness, nepotism, encouragement and condonation of corruption by Buhari administration…”
6. “President Buhari and his hatchet men in the coming election think that the judiciary must be primed in their favour. Hence, the Chief Justice of Nigeria… has been harassed and prosecuted…”
7. “Bola Tinubu’s statement about Muhammadu Buhari in 2003 is fairly prophetic, “Muhammadu Buhari is an agent of destabilisation, ethnic bigot and religious fanatic who, if given the chance, would ensure the disintegration of the country. His ethnocentrism would jeopardise Nigeria’s national unity.””
8. “The current plan is to drape the pre-determined results with a toga of credibility. It is also planned that violence of unimaginable proportion will be unleashed in high voting population areas across the country to precipitate re-run elections and where [Buhari] will be returned duly elected after concentration of security…”
9. “What is the connection between taking the number of PVC of the ‘traders’ and the forthcoming election? There is something sinister about it, and Professor Osinbajo, of all people, should know that.”
10. “The derailment of Nigerian democracy will be a monumental disaster comparable to the disaster of the Nigerian first military coup…Nigeria must not be allowed to slip off the democratic path nor go into anarchy and ruin. No individual nor group has monopoly of violence or gangsterism…”.

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